Find email addresses and
with one click

Find key people within an organization
and build lists of prospects.

Trusted by happy businesses worldwide


Find Contact Info
on Any Website

Just visit a website and instantly discover key contacts and information about them. You can then do whatever you want with these contacts

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Contact Profile

Get an instant profile and a social dossier on your contacts before sending them to your contact lists. Personalization is key when it comes to reaching out. We know, we built Pitchbox.

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Build Lists

Create and group prospect lists of journalists, sales leads, or marketing campaigns. Export your contacts to CSV or send then to your software via webhooks or API .

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Create lists from SERPs

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Who it’s for

Connect with other Apps

Connect Prospect AI with your favorite apps you are already using. Have the technical know-how? Check out our API docs and simply use webhooks to send yourself data.

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Build integration

Copy company data and contacts to your CRM or proprietary software using REST API and take your prospecting to the next level.

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Join Other Leading Companies
using Prospect AI

Contact Us


  • What is the price?

    Prospect AI is a free plugin that allows sales teams, digital marketers, and PR professionals find companys’ contacts for free. We do not charge for our service at this time.

  • How do you get contact information?

    Prospect AI uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to understand what website is about and get contacts you want and need to grow your relationships.

  • Do you offer support?

    Eventhough Prospect AI is a free software, we’re here to provide neccessary support. Feel free to contact us with any questions.